What To Do If It Feels Like No-one Is Listening Or Knows You or Online Business Exists
Marketing your product, services or opportunity is one thing, but what the heck do you do if it feels like noone seems to know you exist in the world or is listening?
All of the “posting” and “stories” and “sharing” and “marketing” and “blogging” and “blah blah blahing” isn’t going to do squat for your bottom line, right?
Friend, I get it. I. Totally. Get. IT.
It’s a sticky place to be in, and so today, I’m sharing the process my business went through to go from crickets to consistent.
You may have already purchased the Beta Launch of the Freedom Marketing Academy so you understand defining your ideal client, clarity in your messaging, vision, brand, but what Freedom Marketing doesn’t talk about is building that audience of people to SEE the month’s worth of content you’ve brainstormed in Week 1!
Not very long ago, I had a limited social media following. Correction: my following wasn’t full of my ideal audience and I needed it to be.
Now, most of the time when I talk to coaches they say this: “I just don’t have the right followers” or I’m not attracting “my people!”
And I used to say, “I can lead a horse to water, but I can’t get them to drink!” Now, I say this: “YOU have to go and GRAB THEIR ATTENTION.”
This is not a passive party. 2020 is a year of grabbing the bull by the you know whats and being bold enough to say, “I have what you need. I can help solve your problems and OH BY THE WAY, we’re going to be best friends, too.”
But I wasn’t doing that. I was a passive little cookie cutter Coach, waiting for people to fall in love with me… so I had to get creative and be bold in getting my message in front of the rightpeople.
I embraced — fully — something called Guerilla Marketing which led me to do 3 things consistently.
- I stopped looking at anyone and everyone that I met, came in contact with or that liked my post as a “prospect” which likely gave off a “needy” and “desperate” energy. Instead, I simply add value, teach people things I know, genuinely want to help them solve their problems and provide solutions. There’s actually A LOT of things I stopped doing that were sucking the life out of me. I mentioned a couple in my Blog Post Yesterday … more on that later in the week!
- On Facebook, I go LIVE multiple times / week and invite all of those people to join me somewhere else (my freebie, my group, my email list, etc.)!
- On Instagram, I unfollowed EVERYONE I was following. Yep, all 8,000 people andonly follow, engage with and spend time commenting on people that do what I do and are killing it! People that inspire me, are one step ahead of where I want to be in my business or are like minded. I only follow influencers that are adding value to my ideal client’s life. No more following random strangers, Justin Timberlake #MissYou some Youtube star or follow / unfollow #Gross
Is this easy? Hell no, it’s not easy. It’s building an audience with intention and that takes time, but is honestly SO FREEING and FEELS oh so RIGHT!
Doing these things will help you build your audience, brand and tribe and give you the freedom and knowing that whatever you put out there to the world is going to be powerful and land on the right ears, too!
It’s just the best and now I’m finally seeing the fruits and freedoms of Entrepreneurship and how your entire business can become self sufficient, making money without you and so that you can instead, start LIVING more!
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Helping You Become Fit and Free Mind, Body & Business,