How To Have Your “Big Break”

Kelly Barrett
4 min readOct 5, 2020


Ever wonder when you’re going to have you’re “big break” or think it’s just around the corner as long as you keep going. Or maybe if you could just get your message seen and heard by the “right” people, it will be your turn to soar?!?!

I get it. I was in your shoes. I kept doing more of what my upline and corporate told me to do, wondering why other people had success faster than I did, thinking that my next challenge, transformation or product launch would be the big break I was waiting, hoping and wishing for.

I even left my corporate job, lying to myself that if I just had more time, I’d be able to have the success I craved.

Problem was, I didn’t have the right mentors or strategy for me. I had belief in the products, the company and myself, but I didn’t have a plan or felt like I fit in. I was always trying to reinvent the wheel and create some type of team culture, essentially doing more of the same things thousands and thousands were doing without getting different results and it didn’t work because…

I wasn’t different. I didn’t stand out. I was trying to fit it and be just like everyone else! Even though I thought I was “branding myself,” in all actuality — I was a cookie cutter, Stepford Coach.

The day I held my head in my hands and said, “that’s it. I can’t do this anymore. There has to be a better way,” something clicked!

I was ready to give it one last college try. I hired a Business Coach and Mindset Mentor! I didn’t really care how much it cost, I needed a full blown makeover — Because I hadn’t come this far to only come this far.

Which led to the amazing AH-HA moment for me:

I had purchased other courses before, had mentors before, some I learned some new things, some I didn’t, some I never finished, but this time was different…

As I started the process, I stopped feeling the “desperate” need to make this work. The need to prove “them wrong” or to make an income, etc.

I starting making a shift and was EXCITED to feel like myself again and provide for my kids, this time doing it with passion and purpose!

I get to help women overcome their fears, problems, pain, create their identity and walk their authentic path.

Wow, how cool is that? I wanted to prove myself right!

This time was different because I was inspired to DO something DIFFERENT, not what corporate, my upline or other people in the same industry were doing, but something that FELT RIGHT to me! With people that explained things in a way that clicked and made sense to me. I needed a combination of sales + marketing + mindset that I was never taught and you probably weren’t either which means it’s not your fault that you aren’t as successful as you’d hoped you be!

So, how does this apply to YOU or what can you do TO-DAY to work on taking your business to the next level or over the edge…

  1. Ask yourself WHY, why do you really want this? My why was far too surface level. When I dug in, it came down to identity and walking my own path. For 5 years, my business was influenced on what others were doing or wanted me to do.
  2. Ask yourself WHAT you FEAR. Is it SUCCESS? Huh, why would anyone fear success? Well, because once you succeed — You’ll have to deal with the fact that maybe you put yourself through undue pain and suffering and noone wants to admit or deal with that.
  3. Ask yourself WHO? Who can help you take your business to the next level. Who do you resonate with. Who’s been in your shoes. Who’s one step ahead of you. Who are you curious about what the heck they’re doing and how they do it.
  4. Ask yourself WHEN? The best time to walk your authentic path in your business was when you started, the second best time is now!
  5. Ask yourself WHERE? Where do you need to go? Best thing to do is remove yourself from the outcome and realize that if you’re there to serve, you’re adding value, being consistent, giving your tribe an easily and effortless way to do business with you and building rapport in the follow-up, the people will come when the are ready!

When we come from a place of service, we are holding space for the right time.

I don’t know about you, but when I make a decision out of alignment, I don’t always completely get what I want from it, but always get what I NEED from it which is usually better, anyways!

And when it comes to my clients, I want them to have the best outcome from my services so I continue to hold space until they are ready.

I keep adding value to their lives until my offer becomes a no-brainer for them.

So here’s a friendly reminder to HOLD SPACE for the right audience and your community. What you’re doing isn’t bad or not good enough. Don’t take things personally and keep pivoting, making changes that feel right to you.

I can promise you with that attitude, your people will show up in no time!

Until next time… Helping you become Fit and Free — Mind, Body and / or Business…

xo, Kelly

PS If you’re ready to streamline the process of creating trust and authority with your audience, you NEED to check out my Freedom Marketing Academy

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Kelly Barrett
Kelly Barrett

Written by Kelly Barrett

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