2 Things You’re Doing That DO NOT Attract Your Tribe

Kelly Barrett
3 min readSep 28, 2020


I get it! You want to attract and help “your” people thiiiiis bad, but faster than it takes to get to the center of this tootsie pop!! 🍭 Can I let you in on a little secret?! 🤫

Sending “Hey Girl” messages, random friend requests and follows actually turns a lot of people off, versus attracts them and will put you in the fast track to burn out.

I know because I’ve been there 🙈 and it cost me a lot of time, money, energy, confidence and amazing teammates and I don’t want that to happen to you!

So, what can you do instead?

  1. Ask Your Audience what it is they actually want to learn about or are struggling with and then create content around that. When you help people solve their problems, not only will you instantly gain credibility, but they’ll LOVE you for it and will keep coming back for more!
  2. Ask.com Check out this amazing platform that is a comilation of the most frequently asked questions regarding whatever topic you type in the search bar. Seriously, try it. Type something in and then watch what people are actually googling. Invest your time to learn something, put your own spin on it and reteach it!

Also, Reaching Out To People That “Like” Your Biz Opportunity Post Is One Of The Least Duplicatable Things You Can Do! Click to LISTEN TO THIS and make sure to subscribe for more tips, trainings and freebies!

Does this make sense? Yup, I know from experience, too.

Instead you can create interest forms and applications to attach to your posts and in your newsletters for people to fill out to apply to work with you.

The people that click your links and fill out your forms are considered a very HOT LEAD. They’re the ones actually raising their hands saying, “I want your help. I want what you have to offer” which is just the best, right?

Try making a few tweaks with your social media and tag me and I promise I’ll show you the love and if you want more tips like this on how to become Fit and Free in your business, I’m sharing a VERY Specific Social Media Marketing Strategy that has allowed me to help hundreds of Coaches & Entrepreneurs overcome the obstacles they face in growing an online business in network marketing.

Implementing this process automated my business during these uncertain times and it gave me new passion and purpose in my business as it opened up my eyes to other opportunities!

I’ve since created multiple streams of income doing what I love, which is to TRAIN other Coaches and Networkers who are interested in learning how to build their business BETTER.

So this week I’m hosting a FREE Online Training class that you can attend so I can walk you through my Social Media Strategy and Steps… FREE 5 Day Curiosity Marketing Challenge

It’s FREE to register and there will be lots of free goodies to help you build your online business better and authentic to you without sending prospecting messages, chasing people forever or faking it ‘till you make it!

CLICK HERE to join and I’ll see you on the inside!



FREE Entrepreneurs Group






Kelly Barrett
Kelly Barrett

Written by Kelly Barrett

Get my FREE Guide To Creating The Habits of Happiness, Health, Productivity + Success! https://www.fitandfreewithkelly.com/habits

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